Tag Archives: bookish goals

Check In!


Wow, I can’t believe it’s the 1st of March already! That means it’s time for another check in on those bookish goals for the year!

Goal #1: (Read 3 books I currently have before buying another.) I can check-off! That was The Raven Boys, The Hobbit, and Divergent!

Goal #2: (Read 3 books that have been on my TBR list for too long.) Almost done! The Hobbit was first and now on the second, Lament.

Goal #3: (Read 3 books that are out of my “normal” genre.) Down two! I’ve read my first steampunk (and not YA). Third is next up!

Goal #4: (Read 3 new authors.) I check this off too! J.R.R. Tolkien, Veronica Roth, and Gail Carriger!

Goal #5: (Read 3 books from NYT Bestseller list.) I can check this off as well! The Hobbit, Divergent, Soulless, Along for the Ride, and The Raven Boys!

Goal #6: (Read 3 debut authors.) I haven’t gotten anywhere with this one yet, but don’t fret it’s only March!

Goal #7: (Read at least ten books.) I know, I know. I totally low balled myself on this one. But this was my first year making solid reading goals. Anyway, let’s see. I’m currently on book number 7!

Goal #8: (Reread at least one book.) I’ve started rereading Forever by Maggie Stiefvater!

Goal #9: (Convince BF to read a book of my choosing.) Well, now it’s just friend, but I’m still working on it!

Goal #10: (Give thorough reviews of every book.) I’ll be working on this one throughout the year! 

Well, there we have it. As of March 1st, I have completed 3 goals! And I’m well on my way with the others! Woooo!

How’re your bookish goals coming along?




Check In!


Today is the first of February! So, let’s see how everyone is doing with their Bookish New Years Goals!

I have read 1 book so far that I already had and am currently on the 2nd. That means I’m only one away from checking off #1 on my list! (Which was to read 3 I already had). I just finished The Hobbit, which has been on my TBR list for sometime, so a second goal there of going through my TBR list. And it was my first Tolkien, so there’s another goal of reading a new author! And I’m working on the last goal through the year (giving thorough reviews of each)!

So 1 book down, 9 to go (according to my Bookish goals, let’s see how far I can beat it)!

How’re you all doing?

Happy Friday! Cheers!

Tuesday Top Ten


I’m joining in on the Tuesday Top Ten hosted by The Broke and The Bookish

My Top Ten Reading Goals for 2013:

1. Read 3 books that I currently have before buying another. (Harder than it sounds!)

2. Read 3 books that have been on my TBR list for years. (Currently on the first! The Hobbit)

3. Read 3 books that are out of my “normal” genre. 

4. Read 3 new authors.

5. Read 3 books from NYT Bestsellers List. (Will probably end up with more than 3)

6. Read 3 books from debut authors.

7. Read at least 10 books. (I know that seems low, but some will be thick!)

8. Reread at least one book that I enjoyed in the last two years. (I don’t reread enough anymore! If you love a book, it should be read and reread and reread again!)

9. Convince BF to read one book of my choosing! (Also, shall be hard)

10. Give thorough reviews of every book!

Well, there you have it! My bookish goals for this year! I’m off to a good start. Currently reading The Hobbit, which has been on my reading list for years. Also, this is my first Tolkien! 

(You may have noticed that my list is full of 3’s. It hasn’t nothing to do with 2013, though it’s a cool coincidence. I just love the number 3. It’s been my favorite since I can remember!)

What are your Bookish Goals for the new year?
